Mexican Garter Snake

The Mexican garter snake is an essentially harmless, semi-aquatic colubrid that is relatively stout-bodied and long. It is most active in the warmer months and mostly seen in the morning.

Scientific Classifications

  • Suborder:Serpentes
  • Family:Colubridae
  • Genus:Thamnophis
  • Species:T. eques

Conservation Status

Not EvaluatedNE

Not Evaluated

Data DeficientDD

Data Deficient

Least ConcernLC

Least Concern

Near ThreatenedNT

Near Threatened





Critically EndangeredCR

Critically Endangered

Extinct in the wildEW

Extinct in the wild




This snake has ten recognized subspecies.

  • Mexican garter snake (Thamnophis eques eques)
  • Laguna Totolcingo garter snake (Thamnophis eques carmenensis)
  • Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis
  • Thamnophis eques diluvialis
  • Thamnophis eques insperatus
  • Northern Mexican garter snake (Thamnophis eques megalops)
  • Thamnophis eques obscurus
  • Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis
  • Thamnophis eques scotti
  • Thamnophis eques virgatenuis


Mexican Garter Snake Picture


Adults reach a length of 44 in (112 cm) on average. It can reach a maximum length of 3.3 ft (1m).

Color and Appearance

The ground color is brown, black, olive, rust or tan. There are three creamy yellow stripes, one down its back and the other two down each side. Dark blotches may be present on each side of the neck. Its head is noticeably larger than other garter snakes with black outlined scales on the lower face.

Are They Dangerous to Humans

On encountering a human, the secretive garter snake flees. However, if threatened or handled, it strikes repeatedly and bites. It also smears a foul-smelling musk and feces on the attacker. But it is non-venomous and can cause no harm to humans.

Mexican Garter Snakes at a Glance


This garter snake lives in Mexico and the United States (New Mexico and Arizona).


It is rarely found away from dense vegetation and permanent water bodies. It inhabits cienega-streams, cienegas, and cottonwood-willow riparian areas in low to mid elevations of 1720-6150 ft (530-1875 m).

The species has undergone a decline in its population due to habitat alteration and destruction. Introduction of exotic predators (bullfrogs) in its native habitat has also contributed to the fall in its numbers.

Thamnophis eques


The garter snake lives for 10-12 years.


Bullfrogs prey on the colubrid that tries to defend itself by burrowing and hiding its head.


The primary diet of the Mexican garter snake consists of frogs and fish though it is known to take lizards and small rodents.


Ovoviviparous (gives birth to live young from eggs that hatch inside the body)

Between late May to early July a female gives birth to up to 25 live young in a litter. 


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