Snakes in Oklahoma
Oklahoma has around fifty snake species, with seven being venomous. The timber rattlesnake is the state’s deadliest found in the southeastern and central part, inhabiting rocky areas, streams, and woodlands. Of the non-venomous snake, the garter, king, and rat snake species are the commonest found along meadows, woodlands, farmlands, and prairies.
Snakes by Colors and Patterns
Black Snakes: Black Rat Snake, Plains Black-headed Snake, Blackneck Garter Snake
Brown Snakes: DeKay’s Brown Snake, Texas Brown Snake, Common Garter Snake
Green Snakes: Rough Green Snake
Snakes by Regions
Snakes in Northern Oklahoma: Texas Blind Snake
Snakes in Southern Oklahoma: Timber Rattlesnake,
Snakes in Western Oklahoma: Western Diamondback Rattlesnake,Prairie Rattlesnake, Checkered Garter Snake
Snakes in Central Oklahoma: Graham’s Crayfish, Eastern Worm Snake, Milksnake , Glossy Snake