Snakes in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia has just five snake species, none of which are venomous. The maritime garter snake found throughout the Canadian province is the largest species, the adults reaching lengths between 40 cm and 60 cm. It has various habitats, including forests, fields, shorelines, wetlands, and rocky areas. The northern ribbon snake, found in south-central Nova Scotia, occurs in regions close to water sources like wetlands, coves, shorelines, and streams.

Besides natural surroundings, snakes occur in urban locations too. In an incident in 2018, a woman in a grocery store caught sight of a brown snake on a shopping cart, its tail twisted around it. However, it caused no harm and was sealed inside a box.

Snakes in Nova Scotia
Garter SnakesEastern Ribbon Snake
Maritime Garter Snake
OpheodrysSmooth Green Snake
DiadophisNorthern Ring-necked Snake
StoreriaRed-bellied Snake